Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And so it begins...

Well, another car from the American train of freedom and civil liberties is heading for derailment. The newly reconstituted Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has decided to revisit the law banning late term abortions. This despite that the constitutionality of such a law has been shot down by three seperate federal appeals courts due to the fact that the laws do not take into account the health of the mother.

Given the addition of "conservative" Justices Alito and Roberts to the court, this represents a long term threat to the right to choose should the ban be upheld. Of course, through out history, SCOTUS has been full of surprises for both conservative and liberal administrations that have had the opportunity to appoint justices to the bench. I'm certain Ronald Reagan at times seriously regretted putting Sandra Day O'Connor on the bench. Since the new court also unanimously found it constitutional for a religious group in New Mexico to use illegal hallucinogens, you can never tell what's going to happen.

Regardless of your opinion of late term abortions, heres hoping that the new justices on the court stick to their oft-stated mission to rule solely on the constitutionality of an issue rather than legislate from the bench.


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