Saturday, July 09, 2005

It seems I'm a pompous foreigner

Sitting in a bar, drunk off one's ass is not the best time to talk to a young, idealistic woman who thinks you're arrogant.

Tonight I was taken to task by a 22 year old Canadian who thought that most of the foreigners in Korea were pompous. The person I talked to has been in Korea for 9 months. Obviously I don't know more than she does about Korea or Korean culture.

I had an issue with the fact that, first, she sounded like she was spouting the last thing she read from whatever college professor taught her last. Naturally I argued with her and tried to take her to task for her lack of experiencein Korea and what I perceived to be her own arrogance.

I lost any and all arguments when I asked her what I had just said, and she quoted me verbatim. Because she sounded like a parrot of whatever professor or text she had read, I stopped listening shortly after she opened her mouth (or at least I listened enough to argue with her). The problem with this is that after I asked her what I had said, she asked me what she had said. I couldn't answer. I had to concede.

Note to self: a) Don't argue with people when you're blind ass drunk. b) If you're gonna argue with such people when you think they are ridiculous, make sure you can refute their arguments word for word.

The worst part is that she reminded me of my ex-wife. I never won any of those arguments either...sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, sounds like the grand mas may have hampered your ability to argue properly. Let the young ones learn the hard way.

6:36 PM  

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