Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I'm totally losing it.

Today is Wednesday, and it is the first day of a week long break between institute sessions, which means that I don't have to be at work at Oh My God O'clock in the morning. I'm a bit discombobulated. I woke up at 8:00am (normally get up at 5:00am) in a brief panic thinking I missed my first two classes but calmed down and enjoyed a leisurely morning. Around 1:30 this afternoon, Ian and I took a trip to Costco, and I got back around 3:30. I had some lunch, put on a movie, and promptly fell asleep.

I woke up, looked at my watch, which said 7:00. I got up up, put the water on for coffee, used the facilities, and was wondering if I had enough time to eat something before heading to class at 9:oo. Well, with winter coming on, it's usually dark outside when I wake up. There I am, standing in the front balcony pulling clean clothes off the the drying rack and getting ready to take a shower, when I took a look outside and saw that the store on the first floor was open. "Weird," I thought, "He's open early." Then it dawned on me that it wasn't getting light outside as it usually does as I'm off to work. I turned around and the clock by my bed, which is on 24-hour time, read 17:10. I'm thinking, in my dazed state, "huh?" Finally, as the kettle started to whistle, I realised that it was 7:00 PM on Wednesday night, not 7:00 AM Thursday morning.

So here I sit, in a rather befuddled state, wondering what to do with myself.


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