Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I'm tired. My brain is tired, my body is tired, even my toes are tired. It's been a very long semester, which, thank God, is going to be over in two days. I'm sitting here staring at the stack of attendance sheets, grades, and other stuff that has to be done in the next two days. Makes me tired looking at it.

Fortunately, once I've plowed through the pile of paperwork and finished tabulating my grades, I'll be off for the States. I'm going to spend a blissful two weeks at my mom's house in northern California doing absolutely fuck all. I'm going to read (or I should say nap with a book on my chest), walk on the beach, drink the occasional beer, walk on the beach some more, and watch the sunset. I'm going to spend one frenetic day shopping my ass off for all the clothes and other stuff I need that I can't get here in Korea, but that's it. This is a full on, get-the-fuck-outta-Korea-for-a-bit-and-decompress kind of holiday.

I can't wait!


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